How Can A Life Settlement Unlock Value From My Unwanted Life Insurance?

Over 80% of life insurance policies do not result in a claim. Find out how a life settlement can help unlock hidden value from unwanted policies.


What is a life settlement? A life settlement is the sale of an existing life insurance policy for an amount greater than the carrier would provide the policy owner should they terminate their coverage.


Why would I sell my life insurance?

·      Premiums are no longer affordable

·      Policy is no longer needed

·      There is a need to create liquidity to cover unforeseen expenses

·      Supplement retirement income

·      A business is sold or key employee has retired

Who qualifies for a life settlement?

·      Senior individuals age 65 and above

·      Has experienced a decline in health since the coverage was originated

·      Policies $100k or greater


What can I expect to receive? Proceeds of a life settlement are highly case specific and are based on a number of factors which include:

·      Annual cost to maintain the policy

·      Client’s age and health

·      Type of policy


Is this legal?

·      In 1911, the US Supreme Court ruled in the Grigsby v. Russell decision that life insurance, much life other private property, can be sold.

·      Life settlements transactions are currently regulated in 42, by the individual state’s insurance department


Please feel free to contact Long Lake Planning to determine how a life settlement can help maximize the value of your life insurance.